SLMTA-3 Course Logo Illuminating the Path to ISO 15189 (SLMTA 3) e-Learning Course

About the Course

The SLMTA 3 curriculum is composed of four modules – QMS 1, QMS 2, QMS 3, and QMS4. Each module is further divided into sections and activities. When repurposing the classroom version of the curriculum for on-line delivery, the following 4 activities have been eliminated: Planning Improvement Projects – Master Class, Reporting Improvement Projects, Conducting a Site Visit, Redesigning The Floor Plan of Your Laboratory, and What’s Wrong with this Storeroom. Improvement project planning and implementation will be instead covered in the new ECHO sessions.

The on-line version includes an off-line/self-study component (lecture recordings and homework assignments) and an on-line/live component, as well as optional office hours and peer support discussion forum. The total time for completing the mandatory components of the on-line curriculum is 75 hours, as opposed to 86 hours of delivery time in the classroom based version.


Participants will learn to:
  • Translate ISO15189 clauses into daily laboratory practice
  • Recognize QMS as a whole and its interconnected processes
  • Design and implement those processes for a cost-effective QMS that fulfills ISO15189 requirements
  • Establish a practical QMS that enables laboratories to reach and sustain accreditation status

Criteria for obtaining the workshop certificate and CPD

  • Submission of homework – 48 hours before the live session each week
  • Attendance of live sessions – participants are allowed to miss up to 3 live sessions. However, they must view the recordings and complete certain tasks to show evidence of having viewed the live session recordings.
  • Completion of course evaluation

SLMTA 3 Curriculum Overview Navigating the SLMTA 3 e-learning website


Table of Contents
  • 0.0 - Workshop Overview
  • 1.0 - QMS 1 Overview
  • 1.1 - Management Responsibility Introduction
  • 1.2 - Management Tools
  • 1.3 - Quality Management System
  • 1.4 - Documents and Records
  • 1.5 - Planning and Conducting a Staff Meeting
  • 2.0 - QMS 2 Overview
  • 2.1 - Personnel
  • 2.2 - Infrastructure and Safety
  • 2.3 - Purchasing and Inventory
  • 2.4 - Equipment
  • 3.0 - QMS 3 Overview
  • 3.1 - Pre-Examination
  • 3.2 - Examination
  • 3.3 - Post-Examination
  • 4.0 - QMS 4 Overview
  • 4.1 - Occurrence Management
  • 4.2 - Internal Auditing
  • 4.3 - Management Review Process


Congratulations to COHORT 4 WINNERS!

Awad Mohammed

Beatrice Mwinjilo

Daron Davies Atsu-Agbo Agboyie
Maneo Mothobi

The Virtual Incentive Program is designed to promote timely attendance and submission of assignments, quality homework, active class participation, and outstanding contribution to shared learning. Participants earn virtual SLMTA dollars based on criteria. The winners (top earners) are awarded real, not virtual, prizes.

Scientific Committee

Below is a list of Scientific Committee members that contributed to the development of the SLMTA 3 e-learning course:

  • Dr. Katy Yao, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), USA
  • Mr. Ashaba Davis, African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), Uganda
  • Ms. Anna Murphy, Independent Consultant, USA
  • Mr. Elde Mel Paladar, Adventist Health International and Loma Linda University, Malawi
  • Ms. Beatrice van der Puije, African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM), Ghana
  • Ms. Janet Scholtz, QMS Consultant (Retired from National Health Laboratory Services, South Africa)
  • Dr. Luciana Kohatsu, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), USA
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