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Illuminating the Path to ISO 15189 (SLMTA 3) e-Learning Course Download Video
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Management responsibility requires a commitment to quality and making a quality management system (QMS) a strategic goal. Because a QMS is comprised of numerous interrelated or interacting processes, the standard encourages a process-based approach (i.e. the identification and interactions of these processes and their management). In QMS 1, participants will learn about the process approach and how to manage processes through the use of quality tools. 


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Dr. Katy Yao

Dr. Yao is the director of the global SLMTA program, which is funded by The President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a US governmental initiative to address the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. The SLMTA program has been implemented in 1300+ laboratories in 56 LMIC countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Oceania. As of October 2020, the program has helped 196 laboratories in 23 countries attain accreditation to international standards. Dr. Yao is a Public Health Educator at US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She has a PhD in education with a focus on instructional design and adult learning.

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